Self- Paced Online Breastfeeding Course
Expecting to Breastfeed is an online breastfeeding program for parents like you. Designed to show you the exact steps and give you the knowledge you need to care for your baby and breastfeed them, as easily and confidently as you dreamed of!
Here's how it works...
Module 1
The First 24 Hours:
Skin to Skin
Feeding Cues
What to do if baby doesn't latch
Module 2
Natural Breastfeeding
Preparing to Breastfeed
3 Steps to NB
Useful Positions
Module 3
The First 6 Weeks
Night Feeds
How to know your baby's getting enough
What to do when your baby is struggling to breastfeed
Module 4
Booby Traps
Weight gain and loss
Blocked Ducts, Thrush, & Mastitis
Low Milk Supply
… and more
Module 5
Pumping & Bottle Feeding
Choosing a pump
Pumping Tips
How to bottle feed